Most runners will experience one or more of the following challenges at some point in their running career:
bonking, or ”hitting the wall”
unpredictable runs
muscle cramping
muscle + connective tissue strains and tears
bone fractures
nausea/vomiting mid-run
runner’s diarrhea
abdominal pain & cramping
delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)
prolonged recovery time
a DNF (did not finish) race result
Most of these runners’ lows are caused by dehydration or poor fueling practices and can absolutely be prevented.
The solution?
Nutrition for Runners
by Lauren Cornell Nutrition
a tiered offering of nutrition + hydration plans to meet the needs of every type of runner
From a simple, self-led eGuide to a premium, step-by-step nutrition therapy approach, each of our plans below are designed to help you understand and execute proper hydration & fueling strategies, tailored to your unique needs.
Each plan includes our vetted list of fueling + hydration supplies, with the bonus of having our sports dietitians provide you with a personalized shopping list that contain severything you need during your training, on race day, and during recovery, customized to your preferences & budget and ready to order at the click of a button.
Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge of how to support your running with proper nutrition in a simple & fun way. Let us take care of the details so that you can focus your efforts on your endurance training!
runners’ fueling + hydration guide
Struggling with fueling + hydrating for your long-distance runs?
Not sure where to even start with fueling + hydration?
You’re not alone. Most runners aren’t aware of their own fueling + hydration needs and have difficulties maintaining optimal nutrition during training and races.
Our comprehensive eGuide will teach you how to:
meet your needs through proper fueling strategies and hydration techniques
address typical runners’ issues through practical solutions we’ve gained from experience “in the trenches”
choose the best fueling & hydration supplies for YOU and that you’re excited about!
plan your recovery routine
+ Bonus Material: recommended brands, discounts, pro tips, carb loading meal & snack options, fueling plan templates, race day checklists, and more!
Maximize your performance and conquer your next race with the help of our exclusive eGuide – your key to unlocking peak endurance and reaching your running goals.
Basic Fueling Plan
Includes: 1-Hour fueling consult with a Sports Dietitian, Nutrition for Runners eGuide, + vetted shopping list of all of your fueling & hydration supplies.
This option is best for those of you who:
want to feel your best while training for and running your next distance race,
are new to long distance running and would like a bit of guidance on fueling + hydration methods,
are generally healthy and injury-free, and/or
want to invest in your health in a budget-friendly way
Our sports RDs will walk you through exactly what you’ll need for your intra-run fueling + hydration and how to use it. We’ll also teach you how to track your own progress throughout your training to avoid injury, energy bonks, and nutrient deficiency. *If you have an injury, medical concern, or require individualized nutrition coaching, see our custom plans below.
Includes: 3 nutrition appointments with a Sports Dietitian, Nutrition for Runners eGuide, + vetted shopping list of all of your fueling & hydration supplies.
This option is best for those of you who:
have digestive challenges,
have an injury or medical condition,
have dietary restrictions or food allergies that require a more personalized approach to fueling, and/or
simply prefer a more personalized approach to your performance nutrition.
The Custom Performance Plan follows our traditional 3-appointment process, which starts with a 90-minute initial consult at the top of your training, a 50-minute follow-up visit midway through your training, and a final 50-minute follow-up visit just before race day to ensure that you have all you need to perform your best day-of, stress-free.
Includes: 8 nutrition appointments with a Sports Dietitian, Nutrition for Runners eGuide, + vetted shopping list for all of your fueling & hydration supplies.
This option is best for those of you who are:
a novice runner or busy professional looking to feel empowered with step-by-step guidance while you train,
a seasoned runner wishing to set a new PR or to qualify for a World Marathon Major race,
an injury-prone or health-conscious runner with the goal to finish your race pain-free and without concern, and/or
an elite runner who will compete in the Olympic trials, collegiate/professional team try-outs, or professionally.
With the Endurance Pro Plan, we’ll meet frequently throughout your training program to provide you with the most thorough, personalized nutrition plan to help you reach your running goals, working alongside your medical team & coaching staff to ensure your fueling plan fully supports the challenges of your training.